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850 155 2.6 vs 163

Anyone been able to compare the two yet? I'm riding a 2015 155 2.6 with alt impact front end and have only really wanted more track maybe 3x in the past 2 seasons. 90% off trail and 10% on trail to either get to the mountains or boondocking around the house. Initially I was leaning towards a 163, but the 155 I have is just so well balanced. I've never had issues sidehilling where I thought more track would be all that helpful, and I like the playfullness of the 155. Now I'm leaning towards another 155 but I'm a little concerned that with the extra HP I will have a more difficult time keeping the front end down in the deep stuff. In other words, it'll be more like the my 146 summit where it's a challenge to keep skis down. I have heard rumblings of guys with SLP kits and turbos on a 155s complaining about needing longer tracks. Thoughts? FWIW I'm 6'5 and probably 210-220 with all my gear.
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I would never go back to a 155. I just don't get what you guys are talking about, these sleds are so responsive I felt the 155 spun around too easily. The extra track helps a bunch in deep technical terrain when you get in trouble. I see this question a lot, and each to his own, but if you haven't ridden the 163 for a season give it a try.....you won't go back. And it does make a difference on a steep washy sidehill, how could it not, simple physics.
163" way more forgiving and I can ride it in tight steep trees where a 155" I can't.
I put my wife 125lb on a 163" (she came off 155) AXYS and she gets stuck 80% less....she loves it and is ridding places now she never dreamed of.
I would never go back to a 155 for mountain riding.
I would never go back to a 155. I just don't get what you guys are talking about, these sleds are so responsive I felt the 155 spun around too easily. The extra track helps a bunch in deep technical terrain when you get in trouble. I see this question a lot, and each to his own, but if you haven't ridden the 163 for a season give it a try.....you won't go back. And it does make a difference on a steep washy sidehill, how could it not, simple physics.

X2. I've been riding 155s for the last 10 years. Tried a 163 this year and was impressed. Still just as playful I thought but just keeps on tractoring. My cousin and brother had the same exact thoughts. 163 will be my next sled. Heck with the 174s nowadays 163 is the new 155. Let er buck Chuck.
In modern sleds (last 20 years) I've had a lot of lengths.
I've never felt like I needed a long track for my size. I'm 5 foot 8 in, 150 lb.
I have always liked the 155 to 159 range the most because I feel like it's more nimble for me than a 163 or 174.
I just don't feel like I need the extra flotation from those longer ones.
The last five years the X3 track has been amazing for me and I can slow down and tractor through things with forgiveness and get moving again. The traction is awesome.

Here's what I've had since my 2000 RMK 800, in order.
2000: 136 x 1.75"
2001: 144 x 2"
2002: 151 x 2"
2003: 156 x 2"
2005: 159 x 2.25 finger
2013: 155 x 2.4"
2014 to present: 156 x 3"

Rode a 163 this year a couple times. I'm going to give it a shot.
2019: 163 x 2.6"
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I've run 155's and 163's, with that being said I won't be buying a 155 any time soon.
Had two 155"s in a row and now have a 163" right now, and while it does provide some forgiveness for rider errors it is no where near as fun or challenging to ride as a 155". I will never own 160"+ sled again, my buddies with lesser skill sets love them but it's not for me. If resale wasn't so bad on shorter length sleds I would be a on a 146".

I already have a 155" skid and track lined up to trade for my 163", I have plans to shorten the tunnel and running boards, can't wait.
If you are a smaller guy and can get away with a 155 and enjoy it, why go larger? The shorter track definitely needs to be ridden more aggressively, but that's all part of the fun!
That's my synopsis as well. At just over 200lbs I've usually ridden a 163. Always figured if I was 180 or less I could ride a 155 and basically be in the same place
Yeah, the 155 is fun but at 220 buck naked and probably 240 with clothes, helmet, boots and avy vest, the 163 is my choice. If I was 170 lbs., I would probably opt for the 155.
155 for me for a couple reasons

the playfulness and challenge
(hopefully making me a better rider and sweating off some breakfast in the process)

these new sleds are like cheating so easy to ride/side hill/carve etc....
you can get em everywhere in small Oregon mountains
if I lived where it was bottomless a lot or super steep
I'd go long ( been there done that )
the 155 vs 163or174 for me is kinda like the turbo or not question
for me the turbo was amazing and super fun
but...... very little challenge in my mountains

maybe it's just me but I had loads of fun back in the day seeing how to make a line out and working hard to make it over some little climb (I don't miss the breakdowns :face-icon-small-dis) when it's super deep sure you can't make it everywhere but Hey ! leave some for tomorrow :face-icon-small-hap or the next riders

ok wow I got all philosophical on track length oops

ps I'm far from thin or short :pizza:
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