I've had a bunch of wedge parts hangin' around the shop for a while now, and finally found an old 650(?) at the end of last season that was worthy as an old-school mountain mod project. Rode it "as is" until April/11 with the 141".
The engine was originally in an '85 chassis, the owner bought a 650 chassis as a roller in the late '90's and put the 600 engine in it. This motor has had a TON of work done to it over the years, and now sits at approx. 680cc. Extensive porting done to the the cylinders, pistons (no reeds, piston controlled intake), and cases, and the crank has been welded and balanced to run at 9200 rpm. The carbs have been bored to the point where you can't crank on the hose clamps too hard for fear of crushing them!
Before I got it, the triple pipes were removed, and it is now jetted and clutched for the stock single exhaust and max rpm has been backed off to 8100. Was used as a back-up sled or buddy's ride for several years in this de-tuned state.
I am pretty much done adding stuff to this sled now, and have less than $1500 into it!! Runs stong and is more than capable enough for the crew I ride with. They all ride 08-10 Dragons, with a couple of modded edge's too!!
Here is the stuff I have added this season:
Renthal bars, ROX pivot bar riser, handguards, and a pod intake for the hood.
151" x 2" Camo Challenger track. Built all alum parts needed for extending and 2-wheel rear axle in my shop.
Lightweight tralling arms, control arms, steering arms and tie rods, plus titanium bolts throughout the front suspension. Walker Evans shocks look cool, but 1 is leaking, so probably go back to extended travel FOX SHOX that were on it already until I can rebuild W.E.'s. They are 1/4 the weight of the Fox coil overs
My favorite sled accessory EVER: A muff pot.......mmmmmm.....cheezy smokies!!
yeah, sure.....it's just a 600!!
The bulkhead has been re-worked to drop & roll the chaincase, and the jackshaft goes through the tunnel. The tunnel is a 1 piece, custom built with big coolers inside. Running board coolers are gone.
The engine was originally in an '85 chassis, the owner bought a 650 chassis as a roller in the late '90's and put the 600 engine in it. This motor has had a TON of work done to it over the years, and now sits at approx. 680cc. Extensive porting done to the the cylinders, pistons (no reeds, piston controlled intake), and cases, and the crank has been welded and balanced to run at 9200 rpm. The carbs have been bored to the point where you can't crank on the hose clamps too hard for fear of crushing them!
Before I got it, the triple pipes were removed, and it is now jetted and clutched for the stock single exhaust and max rpm has been backed off to 8100. Was used as a back-up sled or buddy's ride for several years in this de-tuned state.
I am pretty much done adding stuff to this sled now, and have less than $1500 into it!! Runs stong and is more than capable enough for the crew I ride with. They all ride 08-10 Dragons, with a couple of modded edge's too!!
Here is the stuff I have added this season:
Renthal bars, ROX pivot bar riser, handguards, and a pod intake for the hood.
151" x 2" Camo Challenger track. Built all alum parts needed for extending and 2-wheel rear axle in my shop.
Lightweight tralling arms, control arms, steering arms and tie rods, plus titanium bolts throughout the front suspension. Walker Evans shocks look cool, but 1 is leaking, so probably go back to extended travel FOX SHOX that were on it already until I can rebuild W.E.'s. They are 1/4 the weight of the Fox coil overs
My favorite sled accessory EVER: A muff pot.......mmmmmm.....cheezy smokies!!
yeah, sure.....it's just a 600!!
The bulkhead has been re-worked to drop & roll the chaincase, and the jackshaft goes through the tunnel. The tunnel is a 1 piece, custom built with big coolers inside. Running board coolers are gone.