So earlier this year I posted and inquired about an annoying bog that would happen when riding my new 14 Pro 163. Took it to the dealer and they said my TSS was out of adjustment, still a bog. Second time to the dealer they said it was a loose injector wire, still a bog. Now the third time and they say its the mag side injector which has failed according to the computer 9 times so they are replacing the injector rail and both injectors. Hopefully this fixes the problem! However what was most alarming is that the mechanic told me the computer also had 61 overheat conditions and 31 limp mode conditions. I called BS and told him that I have been riding in great snow conditions all season as well constantly watch the temp gauge and the hottest was this last weekend at 196 deg. pulling a little trailer into a backcountry cabin. Mostly it runs 125-130 in good conditions or with the scratchers down but there is no way the sled overheated 61 times and definitely did not go into limp mode, which according to the mechanic is running on one cylinder. So I asked when the computer registers an overheat condition and he told me 205 deg. and I can guarantee that sled, at least according to the gauge, never reached 205 even once. Can anyone give me some info at what temp the sled will actually record an overheat or limp mode. I am just not buying what he is laying down if you know what I mean.