Would you stay away from the 383?
.....F#$%%^ garbage!
I was told that the 377 was too long and hard for the REV clutches? Can you give me some more feedback on it? Also, Do I have to do any changes with running the 377? or can I just run with it?
http://www.mxzx-revzone.com/article/belt-1...ication chart
reset deflection
the 377 is more expensive but at least after it is broken in you will have consistent rpms for the conditions....with the 383 the rpms may be all over the place and then finally the belt blows to smithereens. can't take long pulls.
Thanks for all your help.
However, I'm still confused to what I would actually have to do to run the 377. Is what you're saying is that the 377 is OK to run on a 04 REV?
377 belt is a kick arse belt, will last long time.
if you wrapped a tape around the 377 you would find it about 3/16 of an inch shorter, therefore it would be tighter in the clutches. So to keep the belt from being too tight, you re-adjust the belt deflection so the belt is tight enough that you would see how the track slowly spins like in the video.
this is a personal quote to me from dyanamo joe... I went with the 377....I would reccmond that. I love it so far. Also, My local dealer, Jaycox Powersports, sells them for 110. They are on ebay so look them up as well. They sell all belts cheaper, not just the 377...but I would put on the 377....