Can you put 3 sleds in a 2 place enclosed trailer (one backwards)? (1) 162, (1) 153, (1) 136. I use to put (5) in my four place but the kids are gone and want to down size. Also can you tow with a sled deck (is the tongue long enough)?
How big of a two place does this require? I am thinking of an enclosed as well, but I too have three sleds. A 153, a 128, and a 121 (for now, might get another 141 at some point). Pictures of how this is done, please?
I can tell you on a Charmac trailer that is a 12' box and 6' V, I drive one in the front. Drive one in the back. And then have to back one in the rear door.
Best advice I can give is to park the sleds in a formation as tight as you can possibly get them and then measure your overall length... That will tell you your minimum length requirement. I have 3 sleds in my 19' trailer (14' + 5') (2-166 & a 155 all pointing to the rear) with room to spare, but if I really crammed them in I could probably get it done in 16'. Putting the shortest sled in the middle position will net you the shortest overall length.