Thanks Brett, but why the smaller driver?..? I know this question will cost me pine street donuts.....or what ever that other place is called
There are several very important reasons for the smaller driver. Again, forget what a smaller driver used to mean on our old-school sleds that used thick, power-robbing tracks and drivers. We've tested this a lot. New track technology with more efficient thinner ported tracks, variable length rods, etc makes it possible to go with a smaller driver and not find a measurable loss in efficiency.
We did also engineer several efficiency enhancements into the 2015 kit that further compensate for the smaller driver.
One of the main reasons goes back to the super-secret drive shaft placement I alluded to previously.
Another, is a smaller driver allows the kit to be mounted closer to the bike- resulting in a shorter "wheelbase" which yields more traction, more transfer, more weight on the track, quicker handling, etc etc.
Now consider gearing. Everyone wants to gear up a bit, or down a bit; and that requires a masters degree in spreadsheet formula calculations to figure out. Past kits used a 17/20 sprocket combo in the chain case; which also meant the chain case had to be big to fit the 20t gear. With the smaller driver, we were able to now use a 17/17/17 sprocket combo, and achieve the same roll-out (final drive ratio). Now, if you want to gear your 2015 kit up or down, you order a 16t sprocket and either put it on top or on the bottom in the chain case. Super simple, and super easy. If you want more- swap the 17 for a 16 on the primary chain.
Next, consider the tree stump, the rock, or the fence post. They all have one thing in common- we hit them when we ride. A low driver, or a bigger driver is more susceptible to impact damage. Impacts can cause shafts (and spinal cords) to go out of alignment, accelerating bearing wear.
At the end of the day, the smaller driver brings us a myriad of performance and handling enhancements that easily overwhelm what we thought we knew about smaller drivers. In this case (smaller) size matters!
That's a few reasons. Hope that helps!