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2015/16 Big Horns N/S Snow conditions


Well-known member
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Jun 29, 2010
Sheridan, Wyo
Wish they would release the names of the guilty party so we could casually and politely tell them to stay the heck out of wyoming. Really inexcusable to ride up a dirt hill next to the trail. But I did hear that cloud seeding is being discussed for the horns, sure couldnt hurt for next year. I was told that park reservoir among others aren't even going to fill up after spring run off. The forest circus will see major damage if the whole mountain lights on fire this summer.


Well-known member
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Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
Wish they would release the names of the guilty party so we could casually and politely tell them to stay the heck out of wyoming. Really inexcusable to ride up a dirt hill next to the trail. But I did hear that cloud seeding is being discussed for the horns, sure couldnt hurt for next year. I was told that park reservoir among others aren't even going to fill up after spring run off. The forest circus will see major damage if the whole mountain lights on fire this summer.

Don't let mafesto see the names! He will find the guys and Kill them!!


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2009
Vadnais Heights
I know exactly where that hill is, and although I know I shouldn't, I have to laugh at the whole thing to be honest.

This is maybe a mile from Bear Lodge. The trail does a switch back at that point, and everyone and their mom goes straight up the hill instead of taking the switch back. In a good year there are often a few rocks showing on that hill since it faces south, although this year was definitely the worst I've ever seen it.

If you want names you simply need to take about half of everyone that has been in the Big Horns in the last month, since I've never seen anyone not on a rental not take the switchback instead of the hill. People have been going out to the Big Horns for years, and they've been going up that hill for years instead of the switchback.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but what's the harm?
So someone rode across some bare ground, big freaking deal.
Ever ride in the Black Hills? If so, your carbides marked up some terra firma.
Here in the flatland, we take our first spin when we get a heavy frost!
And I'll guarendamntee you, come summer you cannot detect ANY harm caused from this.

I think the WY fruitcakes shouldn't get so butthurt so easily.


Well-known member
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Jun 29, 2010
Sheridan, Wyo
They usually don't write tickets if people do ride on dirt. Seems that since this is a low snow year they are patrolling it. It's really not a big deal as far as resource damge to grass, soil etc. But it's just a black eye for sledders when it makes news in another state. I know I've ridden up that hill many times, but never on dirt. Rode around it on the trail in january on the bike because there were more rocks showing than a normal snow year. Just need to be aware of where your riding for the rest of the year. Last storm dumped a foot on the east face of the mountain, but not much for the west slope.


Well-known member
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Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
They usually don't write tickets if people do ride on dirt. Seems that since this is a low snow year they are patrolling it. It's really not a big deal as far as resource damge to grass, soil etc. But it's just a black eye for sledders when it makes news in another state. I know I've ridden up that hill many times, but never on dirt. Rode around it on the trail in january on the bike because there were more rocks showing than a normal snow year. Just need to be aware of where your riding for the rest of the year. Last storm dumped a foot on the east face of the mountain, but not much for the west slope.

Not to mention the horrific damage to the hwy! Obviously, These guys got nothing better to do.


Well-known member
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Mar 2, 2009
Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but what's the harm?
So someone rode across some bare ground, big freaking deal.
Ever ride in the Black Hills? If so, your carbides marked up some terra firma.
Here in the flatland, we take our first spin when we get a heavy frost!
And I'll guarendamntee you, come summer you cannot detect ANY harm caused from this.

I think the WY fruitcakes shouldn't get so butthurt so easily.

Ever thought of a growing season. Lyman, WY and Laramie, WY is 60 days, Pinedale, WY is 45 days. So who knows what the growing season is in the mtn's. Being an educated WYOMING FRUITCAKE that I am, it does more than destroy the vegetation. Forest service for Medicine Bow and Big Horn Nat'l Forest says NO snowmobiles on anything below 6" OFF TRAIL; is it really that hard to follow this simple law?

Aren't riding areas being shut down across the Rocky Mtn. West? Instances like these stick out like a sore thumb to those that are trying to shut us down. These specific organizations don't need anymore help closing riding areas. I don't think ignorant is the correct word, try arrogant! Do midwesterners really understand the true battle that is going on to keep our public lands open to ALL use here in the west?
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Ever thought of a growing season. Lyman, WY and Laramie, WY is 60 days, Pinedale, WY is 45 days. So who knows what the growing season is in the mtn's. Being an educated WYOMING FRUITCAKE that I am, it does more than destroy the vegetation. Forest service for Medicine Bow and Big Horn Nat'l Forest says NO snowmobiles on anything below 6" OFF TRAIL; is it really that hard to follow this simple law?

Aren't riding areas being shut down across the Rocky Mtn. West? Instances like these stick out like a sore thumb to those that are trying to shut us down. These specific organizations don't need anymore help closing riding areas. I don't think ignorant is the correct word, try arrogant! Do midwesterners really understand the true battle that is going on to keep our public lands open to ALL use here in the west?

Boy, you really do get butthurt, don't you!
Sorry there pal if you didn't appreciate my observation.
BTW, I peed in the snow when I was out there.
Pretty sure that will hit the ground when the snow melts. Oh Noooooo!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 2, 2009
Boy, you really do get butthurt, don't you!
Sorry there pal if you didn't appreciate my observation.
BTW, I peed in the snow when I was out there.
Pretty sure that will hit the ground when the snow melts. Oh Noooooo!

You asked what harm it does, so I just stating the facts!

Got a question for ya bud, you see the video of the snowmobiler shooting (poaching) the moose, pictures of snowmobile tracking up ski resorts in Colorado that have signs no snowmobiles, hear of fellow riders riding in the wilderness? If so what's the difference between this particular case in big horns and those other examples I have given ya? To me, and I am sure of others there is nothing! The liberal media loves getting their hands on what they can to do what ever they can to shut us down. All it is is using common sense when riding! I am by no means snowmobile police, but **** like this gets irritating when others try to get the word out of wrong doing by the snowmobile community and an individual with your mentality goes off how he/she doesn't give a rats *** and really doesn't care about the longer effects that it can do to the sport that we both love!
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Got a question for ya bud, you see the video of the snowmobiler shooting (poaching) the moose, pictures of snowmobile tracking up ski resorts in Colorado that have signs no snowmobiles, hear of fellow riders riding in the wilderness? If so what's the difference between this particular case in big horns and those other examples I have given ya? To me, and I am sure of others there is nothing!

Really? Riding across a patch of bare ground is as damning as that senseless killing of the moose?
I think perhaps you're stretching there.
That been said, you are right that we need to follow their little rules, even the ones that make no sense.
And you are also correct that the greenies will use any of our mis-steps against us.
To clarify where I was coming from, I agree that we should not break the rules, I just think this particular peculiar rule is silly.


Well-known member
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Feb 3, 2009
Hot Springs, SD
If every one possessed some basic common sence we would not need rules such as this. Sometimes you have no choice but to cross a bare or thin area. Just stay off the throttle and do not spin, And definitely do not go climbing bare hills. Now enough of this topic, I want to hear some snow reports. I have a trip planned to the Horns next weekend.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 2, 2009
If every one possessed some basic common sence we would not need rules such as this. Sometimes you have no choice but to cross a bare or thin area. Just stay off the throttle and do not spin, And definitely do not go climbing bare hills. Now enough of this topic, I want to hear some snow reports. I have a trip planned to the Horns next weekend.

Big Horns supposed to get dumped Tuesday and Wednesday, but they saying starting out with rain. We all know how the weather man is. If I was you, head south to Laramie, Snowy's been getting snow last two weeks. I live 30 minutes or two hrs from Big Horns (depends what day of the week) and I haven't even thought of riding the Big Horns all season due to lack of snow. I'd rather trash my sled by wrapping it around a tree than hitting rocks and stumps! Also all my riding buddies from Sheridan and Buffalo have only ridden the Horns the most twice this year, so that should say something.

Just compare the two threads!
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 3, 2009
Hot Springs, SD
Big Horns supposed to get dumped Tuesday and Wednesday, but they saying starting out with rain. We all know how the weather man is. If I was you, head south to Laramie, Snowy's been getting snow last two weeks. I live 30 minutes or two hrs from Big Horns (depends what day of the week) and I haven't even thought of riding the Big Horns all season due to lack of snow. I'd rather trash my sled by wrapping it around a tree than hitting rocks and stumps! Also all my riding buddies from Sheridan and Buffalo have only ridden the Horns the most twice this year, so that should say something.

Just compare the two threads!

Thanks for the advice. I know the Snowy's has more snow but I am going with a group that already has the cabin reserved. I rode the Horns last year the first weekend of April. Similar snow depths as now but set up. Still had a great time. NWS is predicting 30-40 inches through Thursday. I usually ride the Black Hills so my expectations are not extremely high. Also I am very accustomed to dodging stumps and rocks.


Active member
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Jan 13, 2008
Group of us heading to Horns Thursday pm. Hope they got some of this storm. We may have to keep an eye on Duane out there....


Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 3, 2009
Hot Springs, SD
Group of us heading to Horns Thursday pm. Hope they got some of this storm. We may have to keep an eye on Duane out there....

We will not be ariving until saturday afternoon, Staying in the big cabin at Elkview. Riding Satuday afternoon thru Tuesday am. We have a group of 8. I will be trying to learn on a new chassis since I have not rode the M7 I just picked up.
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