I can think of a few reasons for this happening:
1. Clutch and crank taper are not matched up close enough from the factory.
2. Over-tightening of the clutch bolt.
3. Steel thickness in the clutch is not sufficient for the stresses induced from tightening it onto the crank taper.
4. Random defect in the material.
5. Clutch got loose and under load the clutch got slightly ****-eyed.
Judging by how many of these I have heard of breaking on here, I doubt it is #4. There would be more damage to clutches and the crank if it was #5. That leaves #1,2, and 3, which IMO are very closely related to each other. If the crank taper is steeper than the clutch taper then it makes it easy for the clutch to slide on too far. This ups the stress in the clutch bore, and since the tapers are not making contact all the way along, and concentrates it on the section that is making contact. Combine this with the smaller 31mm (I think?) taper size and the clutch bolt has to be torqued to a higher value to keep everything from slipping. Comparatively, the clutch bolt torque spec on a 33mm Cat motor is around 55lbs, and I remember my buddy tightening his 800 pro to like 90 or 95.