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2012 600 Pro RMK



Today I am taking a 600 Pro out to demo, super excited about this sled! I will update later on how it goes!
I fricking LOVE this sled! I could do things that have been working on and struggling with for two years on this sled effortlessly or so it felt. I could not have found a better fit for me. We had an awesome day for the demo, two feet of fresh fluff and blue bird skies, had an amazing time and a absolute ball on this sled!! I am definately snow checking one, everyone I ride with thinks I might be happier in the long run with an 800 Pro as I continue to improve as a rider. So next weekend I am test driving a 800. The 600 was very snappy and has way more power than the Ski Doo 600 SDI I am riding now not to mention the difference in handling was not even compareable in my book, I really work hard on my ski doo compared to the Pro, I am a shorty 5'2 and 120 lbs and I found the Pro fit me perfect, narrow and nimble, the only thing that was a little weird for me was the Pro Taper bars, the seemed really wide to me at first but by the end of the day was quite comfortable with them. I did not want to take this sled back at the end of the day! So with that being said weather it be the 600 or the 800 Pro I am sold and will have one snow checked by April 19th!:face-icon-small-win
kiki, when you make your deal for a snowcheck......make the dealer narrow the bars an inch as part of the deal.. it really helps short reached people when side hilling(not stretched out over the sled as bad to reach the bars)..dealer shouldnt have a problem with it and it saves you time and money.....and keeps the warranty in tack....
I'd say it kinda depends on what kinda rider you want to be and if you're still learning you might learn MORE if you go to a 600... i was DANG impressed with the amount of work that thing could do and how much fun it was!!!! and jumping to the larger sled before you're ready won't make you focus on basics.... but yeah, you will be able to get into more places right off the bat...

either way I think you'll be very happy!!!
Skadi, I have been riding for about three yrs. Last couple I haven't had a whole lot of seat time. This year I have gotten to ride quite a bit and I have improved leaps and bounds, in large part due to you ladies on the powder room offering up your tips and advice. I ride a 07 ski doo SDI with a 144 and I for the life of me can not carve on that sled at all. Had I not ridden this new pro would have continued to beat myself up over why i can't get that sled on its side, counter steering and carving was so easy I just couldn't believe it on the new pro. Prior to riding this sled I would say my basics were not there, I love popping wheelies and jumping my ski doo but climbing, boondocking were out of the question because I simply could not manuever my sled. Riding the new pro has given me hope that I am going to improve into a better rider, I was literally putting that pro any where I wanted not saying I am an awesome rider now, but at least now I feel as though I could only improve from here and the new pro seems to fit me better all the way around. I ride with the guys and I want be be able to ride with them, I am very determined and goal oriented and intend on becoming better all the time and all the guys I ride wth know that. I believe that is why my fiance thinks I should try the 800 I think he thinks I will out grow the 600. With that being said maybe you can offer up some advice as I know you ride for polaris now and you rock on a sled! I understand without seeing me ride you can only guess bit any input is appreciated!
feet placement

On your skidoo try moving your feet around on the boards. I ride polaris and keep my feet pretty far forward. After watching a couple of ladies walk their skidoos around, I noticed they would stand with their feet way back by the back and could get them to stand right up and dance around carving that way. i tried it and it made huge difference for me, at least on the skidoo.
well, i know what works for me!!! and I'm an 800 girl AND i like to do some climbing so I will pobably do a turbo next year too!

BUT, i did have a blast on that 600 AND after spending some time with Powdergirl (Sarah whipple) i really do belive that a 600 could be made into a pretty dang awesome mtn sled and that if you REALLY push yourself on those smaller sleds you will turn into an A-MAZING rider!!

The smaller sled will up your comfort level with throttle and not being afraid to use it, the smaller sled will FORCE you to develop a technique style of riding over using the engine power to get you up things, you will have to carry more speed and your reaction times will be sharpened. You will also be able to ride technicly for longer periods as the lighter sled won't wear you out. Sarah also talks at length about how the 600 is a MUCH snappier sled (she's on an 800 this year but is thinking she might go back to the 600 next year... i wish she would see this thread!!)

HOWEVER!!!! I ride a big sled and i'm A-MAZED at how well that pro handles. so just because you're small does NOT mean you should opt out of the 800!!

it REALLY depends on what you like doing for riding and being SUPER honest about that to yourself and your riding group! I think either sled could be a great fit for you and a BLAST to ride!

If you want to ride trees, you're patient and you want to work on technique... i say 600.

If you want to be able to keep up, you want to hit some big pulls (and sometimes big pulls are just a part of riding in the mtns that you can't get around, it depends on where you ride) and you don't want to deal with slowing down your 'measureable' progress with riding a little then I suggest the 800.

Does that make sense?? they are different machines and you will get a different result out of them and it's a preference thing over anything else really!! so, sorry, only you can make this decision (and your riding partner!! if his style is more big mtn and not wanting to deal with as many sticks then your decision might be made for ya!!)
Wow, have I learned a ton, thank you to all who have put in input, also big thank you to WYsteph for starting the link under the polaris pro ride forum entitled "would I like the 600" I learned so much about myself and my riding ability and where I believe I want to be from reading each and every comment. Really appreciated Powdergirl's comment about how she would like to go back to the 600 from the 800, she really gave insight to the difference between the two. I agree strongly with her that twenty percent of the time riding I might wish I had the 800 but the other 80 percent will probably suit me better on the 600. I live in western wa. Most of our riding is done at stampede, gold creek, and greenwater, most of our riding is more technical than making big climbs. We do climbs but nothing too daring at least not me. Lots of weaving through trees which I haven't liked due to my lack of ability as a rider. I feel like I have a lot of basics to learn still, though I ride well for a girl, I have lots to learn yet. I want to be a good technical rider most of all and seems that the 600 will allow and force me to learn to ride it, I also believe so good instruction will benefit me. I believe once you are good at the technical stuff everything else will fall into place. The 800 worries me because of my lack of ability it may get me into trouble just because I had enough juice to get there not necissarily for my ability and I sure donnt want to scare or worse yet injure myself by getting into a pickle that I can't get out of.
oh i missed that thread!! yay, sarah chimed in!! she is the biggest proponent of smaller sleds... and after having ridden with her on my 800 (in years past when she had a 700) she could go anywhere I could!!!

I'm a bigger girl (5'10 and 180 something, embarrased to admit it but tis the truth!)!! i think that plays LARGELY into my need for a bigger sled and my ability to manuver them even when conditions are less than ideal.

I totally missed that you were from Wa. Ya, honestly we do NOT have stuff big enough that that 600 pro isn't going to be UNABLE to make it over. Maybe a little more of a challenge but I've seen an older 600 make it up some pretty big stuff so that new pro is going to ROCKET up stuff!

ok, i'm gonna go find that other thread and snoop around!! ;)
I am still going to test the 800 out this weekend, not totally ruling it out till I try it, but I did have a ball on the 600 and after reading all the comments I really think the 600 will do me well. Personal preference is what it will be so I will decide after I have ridden both. Again I really value everyones opinions and tips!
Hi! I ride a 2011 800 PRO. Love it!! I keep up with all the guys in the backcountry. Wouldn't trade it for anything (plus it's pink!). I had an 08 RMK 600 that I learned on - it definitely taught me all the basics I would ever need to know. Because it was a smaller engine, it made me a better rider (meaning it didn't have the power to get me out of my mistakes so I really learned how to maneuver my sled). The good news is that you will be happy with either one! I love the power and how my 800 handles but I'm 5'6" and around 135 so I have more to throw around. Good luck - what a fun decision to have to make! PS - When I purchased my sled my buddy set it up specifically for what I like to do (sidehilling and trees). I believe all my settings are on the softest setting and I think my skis are as narrow as they can be.
Well my decision has been made! Hands down going for the 600! Got to ride the 800 yesterday and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the 600 way more. It is snappier and more fluid and seems to fit my style and comfort zone better. I am really glad I got to try them both out within a week of eachother, I thought my decsion was going to be harder but I knew by the end of the day and my mind was made up 600 snow check here I come!
I had made mention in a ealier post that my fiancee thought I might be better off on a 800 after he rode the 800 was not too proud to admit he loved the 600 way better and especially for me, he is however going to stick with his ski doo xp whom he says is not near as nimble as the pro still believes it has more pulling power and throttle response.
You'd be surprised at how many grown 240+ lb men I've heard say that same thing about Polaris' 600 regarding how much more responsive, smooth and snappy it is! When you ride a certain way - especially tight, technical & fast - it makes a lot of difference!

Oh I am so glad to hear you loved that 600! I'm so ready to get rid of my vibrating luggish 800! LOL
I'm thoroughly enjoying all the potential innuendos hidden within this thread. Whether they are deliberate or not!
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