I picked up a 2011, 162 mtx MPI turbo with 400 miles on it. It has the oem Maverick track. I want to put a 2.5 or 2.6 inch track on it. It looks like there is plenty of room for the exhaust Clarence. The tight spot appears to be around the front heat exchanger. It looks like there is about 3/4 of an inch clearance forward of the heat exchanger at present. It has 8 tooth drivers on it right now. I would like to know if anyone knows if this is stock or is 7 tooth stock on 2011 mtx 162. Were the drivers changed because the original owner was riding at 11,000 foot elevation? Also for those of you that are running 2.5 or 2.6 tracks are you all running 7 tooth sprocket’s? If so what other changes did you make?gearing? Clutching? thank you