Took the sled out yesterday and put 15 miles on it. (pre trip ride). Trailered home, tried to start it to drive off of trailer, it will not start. Are the plugs fouled already? Any thoughts?
tuff to say....fouling all 4 plugs seems unlikely, even with oil in the gas...i assume you've checked basics, key on, kill switch up...sometimes it helps to open the throttle a tiny bit, but no more...sometimes if i threaten to take it into a mechanic, it will start right up
Yes I checked all the usual things. Changed the plugs just in case. Still nothing, will not fire. I tried the throttle trick, and nothing. Oh yeah I have done way more than just threaten to take her into the doctor and that didn't work either. Is there any fuses or wires that could cause a problem. Leaving in three days and stressing out.
take the plugs out and rest the plug on the motor while you pull it over look for spark (or have a buddy pull it over) look for spark at the end of the plug.
any water in your gas that coulda froze, if so thaw it out!
if it sparks put a little mixed gas down each cylinder and put the plugs back in, see if it will burn past the bad gas.
New sled...take it to the dealer where you bought it...warranty. Hope its not too far away and they can help you right away. I have a 2010 m8 in the garage that I havent had out yet.. keep us posted on what it is
Key on, kill switch off, has spark and yes plugs where wet when I took them out. Can these things flood when being trailered? I would take it to dealer but bad time of year. I think it is the 23rd of December today. Came off of a yamaha and starting to wonder why.
Warm up the plugs and then try it! IF you have a buddy with a cat let his run until the plugs get warm and swap them into yours. I have seen this in really cold weather and if not covered when trailered!
Mine did a something close to what your describing...almost like it flooded itself. Try pulling it over with the kill switch off.....then turn it back on and pull it over.....Mine fired right up after that.....
It sounds to me like it's flooded. The best way to clear it is to unplug the fuel pump and hold throttle open, pull, pull, pull until it fires. The drawback of fuel injection is that the darn things keep pumping in more fuel once they are flooded. Disconnecting the fuel pump connector stops the vicious cycle.
This sounds stupid but I had this issue with my buddies M sled. The key felt like it was clicking into the on Position but it wasnt. That black plastic nut that holds the ignition is creepy and can turn. I shot some lock de-icer into the key hole and then suddenly it clicked to the on position with a noticable "Clunk"......Fired right up.
It sound like if you have spark then it is fuel. Do not try this at home. pull your pipe pore a little fuel in y pipe do not spill and not too much. If you have spark and now fuel it will start. when you take pipe off look and see if Y pipe is wet.
The other thing to check is pull fuel line and then pull rope if fuel spits out this is good. If no fuel then you pump could be hung up. If you take a battery and plug it into the fuel pump and run it backward then forward to make sure it works.
Sounds electrical all the way. check plug-ins on harness, make sure key turns all the way. It's definitely something small tho IMO good luck man! If it gets the best of ya maybe you will want to trade it for my 08 M1000? Just a thought, let me know, later, Rev
I went over and helped Kruchy out last night. It was completely flooded. Crimped off the fuel hose from the tank, pulled it over 'til it lit up and then losened the crimp in the fuel line once it started to die.
Thanks for all the help and the smart a$$ remarks everyone. Like ttollen said we got it going and it was flooded, I guess from trailering it which seems weird. Thanks again for all the other suggestions.