In my opinion this was retarded to take off the rack to save 1 lb! What are you guys buying for yours? I haven't even looked at AC website to see what they have available. Unless these things get twice the mileage of the M7's I am going to need the rack!
Find an arctic cat accessories book or I'm sure you can go on-line and look.
The part number is 4639-978 for 2009's. lt is a strap set that hooks right into the holes drilled on the bottom of your rear bumper, and it holds a 2.5 gallon can very secuerley. and i think it is about 20 bucks.
I used one of the racks off my '07, spun it sideways, and put on the back of the tunnel, use the tunnel braces on the footrest/ and the rack, bought 2, 2 gallon cans at walmart for like $3 each, use tarp straps to hold it.