sledders, our own worst enemy
I read this on another site and thought that it would be a good post here on SnoWest
This past weekend i was sledding in valemount as usual and had a rude awakening. im not trying to complain here i just have never ran into this situation before.
a rather large avalanche had been set off and someone very luckily escaped. needless to say about ten minuts later a group of 6 starting high marking directly beside the slide and underneath some large cornices with some very unsafe terrain traps. there were NO marks on this hill and for a very good reason. considering the area was tracked out and there were still no marks is usually a good indication this face is not safe to be on. i approached the group and asked them if they had not seen the avalanche they were riding beside?
they replied with yah it does look kind of "slidy" doesnt it...LOL. YAH sure does. i then told them that someone was already fortunate enough to make it out of there today already and i dont feel like having a rescue mission on my hands for such neglect. they started to get upset and i asked them to tell there buddies currently highmarking to lay off the hill or at least inform them. they tried to explain to me how there was some natural fall lines blahb lah blah..whatever. you clearly have never been to this area or valemount for that matter because i have seen this hill move many times and there was a GIGANTIC terrain trap at the bottom. there is no way you can convince me this is safe.
i moved on because it is not my place. they can do what they want i was merely trying to inform and was actually astonished at the stupidity of watching someone highmark a hill that had already slid 10 minuts earlier. but my advice didnt scare them and neither did the slide because guess what they kept going and i guess were lucky. maybe i was in the wrong for considering it an unsafe slope who knows.
heres where it gets even better..or worse? deffinetly worse.
i was riding in a very deffined area. very large caribou closure signs and very deffined boundaries ( tree lines and cliffs ). it just happened to be a bluebird day and mike weigle was out in full force flying over head with heliskiers. 2 choppers at least in the area. i looked across the lake ( out of bounds ) and noticed fresh sled tracks in an area that is EXTREMELY out of bounds and is VERY well marked. this was a heli run area weigle was using that day.
im not a fan of weigle but guess what he has the amo. i dont understand how some people do not understand this.
yes the area was tracked up.. so what gives you the right to venture off out of bounds past signs and into an untracked area where clearly no one else has been?
because we are for the most part educated on the boundaries and for the most part people were respecting this and realize if the snow is not good they can try again another weekend rather than ruining it for everyone. yes its always tempting looking over at that area but it is a NO go for obvious reasons. it is not hard to access but it is hard to miss the BRIGHT ORANGE 4'x4' closure sign blocking the access.
what if someone was hurt? blown up? that area... how good does that look on us when you have CLEARLY made a violation. this is not a grey area it is VERY deffined.
i noticed the group had just exited the area and were sitting at the entrance. i realize this is not my job but i was extremely angry and felt i should inform them. i pulled up and as i got closer i realized WOW ITS THE SAME GOD DAMN GROUP that was on the avalanched hill. go figure. my mind was blown at this point. i told them the area was out of bounds and tried to explain how the overflying helicopters are always watching and that they in fact are ruining this for us all. ( after they gave me some attitude)
i looked around and didnt see the sign. i saw it earlier in the day so this means they either removed it or i was to flusterd to notice the big orange sign.
after this i got a threat.
"F*** YOU BUDDY get oout of here before i come after you just go ride im sick of your attitude. (something like that?) for those of you that know me i dont like confrontation so it took enough out of me to just approach these idiots (twice)
naturally i left since it was 1 against 6 and i felt they may actually attempt to hurt me if i didnt leave them alone and we were some of the last on the hill.
this may not seem like a big deal to anyone and i suppose it really isnt maybe i overreacted.. im just trying to get something accross here.
closures are closures. they are monitored.
EVEN IF THERE IS NO is up to YOU to educate yourself on the boundaries of the areas you are riding. or ask someone.
using the.."wheres the sign" trick does not work. some of these areas have hundreds of miles of boundaries would you like the local sled clubs and organizations to put bright yellow ribbon around the whole boundary like a crime scene? grow up. im 23 these guys were well over 40 how come i am being the respondsible one here.
if there is no tracks after it hasnt snowed for 2 weeks chances are you are out of bounds because the educated riders have already pushed the outside boundaries of the area.
you are not some genious who just discovered a new area.
like i mentioned before...if you dont like the snow and feel the need to break rules and ruin it for everyone else i dont welcome you to the areas we ride in. your not wanted. it wil snow again. pack up and try again another day and enjoy the nice weather. there will be more deep days for you this season yet.
i think scott said it best " pretty soon we will be able to ride up the allan creek trail to a lookout to where we used to be able to ride".
this concludes my rant and im sorry you have to hear it rather than the people that should be hearing it. but i think its time we start calling these goofs out.
when someone informs you about a boundary closure or an unsafe practice take their advice and say thankyou and move on. even make something up like im sorry i had no idea. i dont care. just dont threaten fellow sledders trying to help fellow sledders.
i have a new respect for people like curtis from varda and all the people from mcbride and blue river...revelstooke..everywhere who have to deal with this daily. its absolutely brutal.
if anyone knows these guys. i dont really care if this part gets deleted but im calling you goofs out.
-silver turbo yamaha vector shorttrack
-2 red polaris dragons
-black turbo xp ( sure looked like a certain someones from a certain performance shop please say otherwise)
-greenish arctic cat ( main DBAG) LOL..
If anyone knows the owners of these trucks let them know we do not appreciate their kind getting our areas shut down because of their selfishness and total disrespect for the law riding in closed areas that VARDA has been fighting hard to keep open.
And then to threaten a person for just pointing out that the area they are sledding in is closed is unacceptable behavior in my opinion.