You could try to force it in both directions. Don't mar the case where the control motor slips into though, while prying on the gear. If you are lucky just a swash plate driver shaft bearing is jammed and it will free up. I'm thinking one of the transmission's hydralic pistons is stuck though. Luck be on your side now. Even if you drain the oil and find no metal shavings, they can still be in there. On many I have torn down, the metal shavings and light tan neopreme components from inside the tranny will be deposited in the rear bearing of the transmission assembly. The end bearing of the hydromatic is shared with the mainshaft of the sub-transmission. The 'guts' of the hydromatic unit normally deposit in this spot first when the unit goes bad.
If you attempt to tear down the engine, a special clutch puller will be needed to pull the centrifugal clutch assembly from the crankshaft.
.... and a lot of time
Got the extended warranty ??
If you attempt to tear down the engine, a special clutch puller will be needed to pull the centrifugal clutch assembly from the crankshaft.
.... and a lot of time
Got the extended warranty ??