Try clearing the codes. The Rubicon has a swash hydrostatic drive in it the swash plate is controlled electronically for speeds and shifting ratios. Only gears are in in the sub transmission for high and low range. the 'gears' are actuelly only regulated fluid drive. The -- shows there is a problem. Count it's flashes of the -- before doing anything. A code is displayed like example 2 quick flashes, a few seconds of pause then the code will repeat again. This is a 2 code then. The ECM can store 9 codes in it's memory. It will display 3 at a time after doing this proceedure.
- Key off, depress and hold both up and down shift switches at the same time
- turn the key on and release the switches, depress both at the same time again.
This will bring up the first set of 3 codes. to clear them, while flashing codes, depress and hold the up/down shift switches at the same time while they are flashing. Once the set of codes are cleared, do the key off and key on deal again to check for more codes. Clear them (remember the codes). You should have to do this 3 times to clear all nine codes if that many are present.
Now, depress the up/down shift switch with key off, turn on the switch and release the up/down switches, in a few seconds of releasing, depress these in this order, up switch, release it, down switch, release it, throttle wide open and let off. You should hear the shift control motor cycle as the ECM takes and stores all electronic readings. the process is called initializing and only works on Rubicons, Rincons and 400 Ranchers with hydro trannys.
If the issue still exists, post here the codes it flashes and I will break them down for you to help diagnose the problem.
Most issues are related to wire connectors ahead and inside the rear fenderwell, shift motor or it's connection, or the angle sensor. The angle sensor is under the left plastic engine cover and should not be removed as it has to be preloaded during reinstall.
Also since this is an '08, I would have to double check if it has the newer style data link connector to attatch the ecm to the Honda HDS (diagnostic tool) I don't think they do. If it does there is a few wires in the data link connector that can be crossed or grounded in sequence to reset the ecm or pull codes off the display (speedo).
I will inform you though that if the display flashes like 11 or more times constantly that the ECM internal relay is tripping. Also if it lights and stays lit (the -- on the display) most likely is a gear position switch issue with the before mentioned connectors, ecm connector or the switch itself which requires rear engine cover removal to replace. Quite a job if it is the first time you have ever done it.
I just read this whole post again. I met a guy in Irvine Texas once at Honda's training facility who's nickname was gimpster. Does anyone know if that is him or how I can get ahold of him if this is the same guy ?