I can start it cold although is takes 5 to 6 pulls instead of 2 to 3, but once it is warmed up, I have to pull like 15 to 20 times to get it to fire. Its like it is getting no spark. I have new plugs, didn't change a thing. It will not go into reverse and just stalls or if after the forth time I get it into reverse it stalls going back to forward.
I have had this sled for 4 years and until this winter it has been great to start and never ever exhibited this condition. Once I get it running, it goes like a bat out of hell, but turn it off and it may not start. Do the non-electric starts have a capacitor to help with initial spark? and to help with going into reverse and back by giving auxilulary juice when the engine temporarily stops to reverse????
My battery is also very dead. Tried to re-charge but will not accept charging. Could this be putting a draw on the system? When I had jumper cables to another battery, it would start right up with e-start. I also notice I have the pull the rope as fast as possible to start manually. All fuses in the engine are good.
I am going out west in two weeks and need to correct this problem,
I have had this sled for 4 years and until this winter it has been great to start and never ever exhibited this condition. Once I get it running, it goes like a bat out of hell, but turn it off and it may not start. Do the non-electric starts have a capacitor to help with initial spark? and to help with going into reverse and back by giving auxilulary juice when the engine temporarily stops to reverse????
My battery is also very dead. Tried to re-charge but will not accept charging. Could this be putting a draw on the system? When I had jumper cables to another battery, it would start right up with e-start. I also notice I have the pull the rope as fast as possible to start manually. All fuses in the engine are good.
I am going out west in two weeks and need to correct this problem,