Hello. I tried reading through the posts for these machines but I am not smart enough to link all of the information together in my brain. My apologies.
2006 RMK 700. Purchase last year with about 2000 miles. Ran well all winter. Would not start in the fall. Pulled PTO plug and it was fouled with coolant/oil.
Figured blown gasket and started to work on repair. Eventually pulled motor. Probably a quart of coolant/oil in crankcase under PTO jug. MAG crankcase side was dry. Cleaned crankcase. Replaced base gaskets, put jugs back on crankcase, set engine back in sled, attached injectors, fuel rail, and then attached engine to sled.
Noticed that tags came off injectors. A little worried that these were not put back in the correct order.
When replacing the cover (I did replace the O rings), the last bolt partially stripped when under full torque. Backed it out, added Loctite and a washer, and reinstalled but stopped when tight (hoping it would not leak once Loctite set – allowed to set for 24 hours).
Engine started and idled fine. Took out for a brief 2-3 minute rip and it would not go over 40 mph.
Brought back inside. No coolant leaks. No obvious issues. One plug (PTO) looked good. The MAG plug was grey. Left for a day.
Then I tested compression (120 both jugs). Also bled the oil pump (opened set screw until oil dripped out). Noticed that a Bosch knock tester was not re-connected. No idea where to install this, so I just zip-tied it to the frame.
Started machine again. Started on second pull. Idled perfect. Ran down road. Same issue. Once 40 mph engine would bog and lose power. Turned around and back in shop. No clue what to do next.
2006 RMK 700. Purchase last year with about 2000 miles. Ran well all winter. Would not start in the fall. Pulled PTO plug and it was fouled with coolant/oil.
Figured blown gasket and started to work on repair. Eventually pulled motor. Probably a quart of coolant/oil in crankcase under PTO jug. MAG crankcase side was dry. Cleaned crankcase. Replaced base gaskets, put jugs back on crankcase, set engine back in sled, attached injectors, fuel rail, and then attached engine to sled.
Noticed that tags came off injectors. A little worried that these were not put back in the correct order.
When replacing the cover (I did replace the O rings), the last bolt partially stripped when under full torque. Backed it out, added Loctite and a washer, and reinstalled but stopped when tight (hoping it would not leak once Loctite set – allowed to set for 24 hours).
Engine started and idled fine. Took out for a brief 2-3 minute rip and it would not go over 40 mph.
Brought back inside. No coolant leaks. No obvious issues. One plug (PTO) looked good. The MAG plug was grey. Left for a day.
Then I tested compression (120 both jugs). Also bled the oil pump (opened set screw until oil dripped out). Noticed that a Bosch knock tester was not re-connected. No idea where to install this, so I just zip-tied it to the frame.
Started machine again. Started on second pull. Idled perfect. Ran down road. Same issue. Once 40 mph engine would bog and lose power. Turned around and back in shop. No clue what to do next.