just wondering if there was a easier way to test this heat sensor (with out a digital wrench) and with out taking it to the dealer can someone chime in on this heat sensor who knows what there talking about. thanks
This is a quote from Jerseyrider who helped me out with the sensor on my 900. "You can check the resistance on your exhaust temperature sensor. The spec says 2.3Mohms @ 392F and 76 Ohms at 1652F. The manual says difficult to measure lower than 392F. I just went out and put the meter on mine. One came in at 7M Ohms and the other at 5M Ohms. They are sitting in an unheated MN garage...about 40 F right now. The key is it should be higher than 2.3M ohms and start to go down if you pass warm air over the sensor. A reading of zero or infinity is bad."
I hope this helps. Mine needs a new sensor. Luckily I found a bunch of different used sensors for sale in the parts counter for sale pretty cheap, I'm just waiting for them to arrive.
I aimed a propane torch without have anything close to direct flame on the sensor and could see the ohm meter reading change smoothly...untill I wiggled the wires.The tip of the sensor where the wires come out had made contact under the hood and got pinched. Must have been a good drop! lol