2002 Polaris Edge Rmk 700 W/nos
I am selling a 2002 Polaris edge RMK 700. This sled runs great and strong. Fun powder/boondocking sled. Never had any problems wit it. Very dependable and ready to ride. Must sell, plans have changed and kid on the way.
- 8" powermadd riser
- 8" mountain machines wheels (made in the usa)
- 154" track exstension (wps brand)
- Snobunje left hand throttle
- Simmons flex skis
- slp pipe
- fabcraft front trailing arms and suspension (carbon fiber arms, w/ 2 spares)
- Snow eliminators (these things work great in the powder)
- Aftermarket secandary clutch
- 2 gallon gas can
- cobra windshield, and windshield bag
- spare belt
- Boondocker seat
- 2 boondocker nos bottles w/ push button kit( mounts in seat)
This sled is in great shape and has never had any major damage. It has normal wear and tear. The track has a 2 years on it, but is in fair shape. It has 3400 miles on it. I put on like 800 miles and never had a problem. Changed fluids regularly. Asking $4500 obo Must sell. Can email more pics if needed.
I am selling a 2002 Polaris edge RMK 700. This sled runs great and strong. Fun powder/boondocking sled. Never had any problems wit it. Very dependable and ready to ride. Must sell, plans have changed and kid on the way.
- 8" powermadd riser
- 8" mountain machines wheels (made in the usa)
- 154" track exstension (wps brand)
- Snobunje left hand throttle
- Simmons flex skis
- slp pipe
- fabcraft front trailing arms and suspension (carbon fiber arms, w/ 2 spares)
- Snow eliminators (these things work great in the powder)
- Aftermarket secandary clutch
- 2 gallon gas can
- cobra windshield, and windshield bag
- spare belt
- Boondocker seat
- 2 boondocker nos bottles w/ push button kit( mounts in seat)
This sled is in great shape and has never had any major damage. It has normal wear and tear. The track has a 2 years on it, but is in fair shape. It has 3400 miles on it. I put on like 800 miles and never had a problem. Changed fluids regularly. Asking $4500 obo Must sell. Can email more pics if needed.
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