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2000 SKS 700 Clutching and Jetting ?'s



Active member
I threw away all my notes from when I lived in CO and owned my '00 RMK 700.... Trying to figure out a setup to use on a trip out west this year on my wife's '00 SKS 700. It doesn't need to be perfect just needs to run decent for a few days in Wyoming at 9-12000'. I just don't want to have to do a bunch of tuning on my wife's first trip out west...

Here is what I'm thinking, tell me if I'm close or what you guys recommend:
142PTO 145MAG
38 Pilot
1371G Needle #2 pos
2-2.5 turns out on the air screw....

10-56's (maybe 54's?) not sure it'll spin the 56's at the altitude
Almond round spring

Secondary prolly leave stock.

It has a boost bottle might add a set of power packs....

Am I close????
Im kinda in the same boat where I did a lot of internet searching to find the information. I think what I ended up doing was I called some dealerships around the Dubois area and even into Riverton, and they would more than likely know as long as you provide information on what carbs youre running with.

Call up the dealerships around the area youre riding in and see what they say.

If they dont know, then I think you can still find some jetting charts floating around the internet if you google "99 rmk 700 jetting" or any other Gen II year (youre going to find more information on RMKs than SKSs)

Do you still have the ACCS unit or did you get rid of that?
SKS doestn't have ACCS (thank god) my RMK had that and I hated it and wound up bypassing it and jetting it manually.

I've got the jetting chart, can't find a clutching one. Factory jetting says to raise the Eclip one position, and run PTO 140 and MAG145. for -20 to +10 at 9-12000'. With the factory 38 pilot and factory 1368G needle.

I've searched around online but can't find what I need other than the factory jetting chart and a few opinions. I know factory they where a bit rich.
Is it stock with the stock pipe?

I have setup info for one with SLP twins, but not for one that is stock.

If memory serves, the 1998 jetting chart was pretty good for the stock sled.

Yup stock pipe. Polaris only has back to 99 on their web site. Looks like from 99 to 2000 they leaned out the jetting a lot....
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FWIW I looked up the clutching for the 99 SKS 700 @ 9-12000'. I don't think the 2000 would be any different.

Primary 10-54 weights, almond spring
Secondary R-11#2 stock spring
21:41 gearing.
Thanks that does help! I couldn't find a clutching chart online... I'm sure factory clutching will be good enough for my wife.
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