I recently changed out a 137 1.25 inch track on my buddies XP. I got to keep the track! Deal! So I get this brainwave to save a few bucks and put it on the g/f's sled. It had a 121, so a few extensions, and other minor crap, and viola! I got a renegade and a less stuck g/f! So I go to the not so local sled shop ( 2 hour drive ) and grab a bunch of crap I will need, and get these 2.86pt 8 tooth drivers... good to go! ..... I spend all day getting this thing together, and just get it fired up to try it out in the air, and it makes this horrid noise... flip the sled on its side, and get looking at the drivers... and the track goes around about 3/4 of the driver, and the 7th, 8th, 9th etc etc extrovert tooth isn't going in the window very well... the drivers are perfectly aligned side to side.....
Has anyone on here accidentally put 3.00 pitch drivers on a 2.86 pitch track and had this happen? Or will 3 pitch drivers be too spaced apart to even make the track turn half a turn?? How can I tell what pitch the drivers I have are? ( my drivers have no markings )
Has anyone on here accidentally put 3.00 pitch drivers on a 2.86 pitch track and had this happen? Or will 3 pitch drivers be too spaced apart to even make the track turn half a turn?? How can I tell what pitch the drivers I have are? ( my drivers have no markings )