You'll want to run NO "free-hang" type of sag. Loose tracks do not work better ... they work worse... and the 174 will magnify that.
I suggest 1/2" - 5/8" measured from the hyfax to the track clip with 12 lbs of weight about 20" fwd of the rear axle... And re check it regularly until the track no longer stretches .
Loose tracks increase running friction....much diff than hanging a sled from a lift and pulling the track around by hand... MUCH diff.
Loose tracks also allow the track belt to wrinkle and the paddles to "lay down" under load and give lesser results.
Loose tracks allow the track to "balloon" out and rub on the tunnel.
Loose tracks cause the Extro teeth of the combo driver to drive the majority of the time rather than only part of the time... Less efficient than when the introvert part of the combo driver is driving smoothly off the rubber drive nubs inside the track.
Confirmed with Camoplast engineers, Suspension designers and OEM mfgs.
my 2 cents.