I ran a 144" 16" 2" Challenger in my 09 XTX. I cut out the weld nuts that BigFish BC is talking about, and replaced them with SS carrige bolts facing outwards.
To gain even more clearance, I ground down the "crown" of the carrige bolts slightly to make them more flat as well.
Other mods included grinding down the rivits in the tunnel to the first "rib". A cut-off wheel makes quick work of grinding the rivits down.
Replacing the rear bumper bolts with oval headed allen bolts (for when the skid compresses all the way up in to the tunnel).
Also the rear drop brackets require modification. What I did was cut them off just below where the track rides around the upper idler wheels. Then made strengthening brackets out of 1/4" T6061 aluminum and rivited/bolted them to the outside of the tunnel.
In the pic below, it shows the brackets. Also this pic was taken after I put a Timbersled skid in it. When the stock skid was in the sled, I used the cut-off stock brackets to attach the skid to the tunnel. When I converted it over to the Timbersled set-up, I made new lower brackets out of 1/4" T6061 to attach the skid to the tunnel.
Its a tight fit, but I didn't have any rubbing issues!