Outside of a 2 or 2.25 144 2.52 pitch drop in track, increasing work and cost for marginal gain. Don't know gearing on a SB, but you may have to swap there, too, for the bigger track. One or more gears and possibly a chain. Unless he really wants to convert it permanently for deeper snow by going to a 155 or longer (then I'd go at least 159, which can be had in 2.52, otherwise the 144 to 151 ain't really gonna do that much).
If it's just for one trip a year, his riding ability will be more important than a few inches of track length. Also, snow conditions on that trip will dictate the value when you get there - you could get setup snow, tog isn't always bottomless pow, with less value for a long and deep track. Depends on the dude's ability, riding pals, and longer term plans for the sled. If it's really deep when you're there, could rent for a few days, too, combined with riding the SB. FWIW. Good luck.