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10yr Forecast, MINI ICE AGE??


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho

"First Traces" Of Solar Cycle 26 Detected On Sun​

SUNDAY, JUL 21, 2024 - 04:05 PM

Scientists from the University of Birmingham in England have detected the "first rumblings"—or first indications—that the sun's next 11-year solar cycle, Cycle 26, will begin by the decade's end.
The current cycle, Cycle 25, has reached what scientists call a "solar maximum," when the sun's magnetic field flips and its poles swap places. This peak is known for elevated solar activity, including sunspots, flares, and coronal mass ejections.

Researchers from Birmingham recently presented the new data at the Royal Astronomical Society's National Astronomy Meeting in Hull. The data shows the first signs that the next solar cycle is beginning.

Astronomers use the sun's internal sound waves to measure how it rotates, making visible a pattern of bands (solar torsional oscillation) that rotate slightly faster or slower. These move towards the sun's equator and its poles during the activity cycle.
The faster-rotation belts tend to show up before the next solar cycle officially begins. -researchers
Research leader Rachel Howe from Birmingham noted a 'faint indication' is beginning to show up after analyzing the pattern of the sun's bands (solar torsional oscillation). The faster-rotation belts tend to show up before the next solar cycle arrives.

"If you go back one solar cycle - 11 years - on the plot, you can see something similar that seems to join up with the shape that we saw in 2017. It went on to be a feature of the present solar cycle, Cycle 25," said Dr. Howe.

This map shows which latitudes on the Sun were rotating faster (shown in red and yellow) or slower (shown in blue and green) than average over the last 29 years, as inferred by helioseismology (the analysis of solar sound waves). For each solar cycle, there is a band of faster rotation that moves down towards the equator. The yellow lines show the areas where the magnetic fields are most concentrated.

She said, "We're likely seeing the first traces of Cycle 26, which won't officially start until about 2030."

It is possible to see the whole of Solar Cycles 23 and 24, and the first half of Cycle 25. For each cycle, the band of faster rotation starts well before the magnetic activity for that cycle. On the far right of the figure, a bit of red marks what the team believes is the beginning of the fast-rotating band for Cycle 26. Rachel Howe

Researchers have been analyzing solar torsional oscillation patterns on the sun using helioseismic data from the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG), the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory since the mid-1990s. This data now covers Solar Cycles 23, 24, and 25, allowing researchers better to understand the precursors to the next solar cycle.

Howe has been a student of the stars for 25 years, studying the sun's rotation through GONG and MDI data.

"With more data, I hope we can understand more about the part these flows play in the intricate dance of plasma and magnetic fields that form the solar cycle," she concluded.

Several studies (one here) have suggested the sun will experience a new grand solar minimum between 2030 and 2040. This could decrease solar activity, similar to the Maunder minimum in the 17th century. At that time, Earth experienced a period of global cooling known as the Little Ice Age.

But in the meantime, the Tonga eruption in 2022 appears to have fueled global warming, not cow farts or Taylor Swift's private jet.



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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
First, the sun is absolutely constant - it can't possibly have any affect on the temperature of the earth. Second, only atmospheric CO2 has an effect on earth's temperature, and that's not going down. So this is obviously big oil propaganda. We need to scrap our snowmobiles and trucks and buy EVs charged by leprechaun farts. Stop attacking the science and stare at Michael Mann's hockey-stick graphs for a few hours instead. We've already stolen poor Greta's childhood: if only we'd bought Chevy Volts instead of Ford Explorers, he parents wouldn't have been forced to tell her from infancy that the world is a terrible place that's going to burn to a crisp before she even has a chance to grow into an obese, single, middle-age woman with fifteen cats. The least we could do is go live under a rock so people like her can at least feel like they did something. Once again, how dare you!


Well-known member
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Oct 30, 2008
Billings MT
I read an article, or maybe it was on a podcast I listened to, that basically concluded the sun's long-term activity is unpredictable. There are short periods (hundreds to thousands of years) like this that seem to follow some sort of repeating cycle, but then it has mass change events in pattern. After that it may return to similar cycles it had before, or it may be an entirely new set of cycles. These evens seem to happen with frequency that no one has been able to pattern yet.

How they think they know this...I can't recall. Ice cores or studying rocks I suppose.

I just know we were lucky enough to have lived in the brief moment in history that snowmobiling exists.
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