My 09 1000cfr has no spark. I want to test my ignition system. Wandering if someone would give a quite explanation on how it works. From stator to plug. I’m pretty sure the stator is shorted.
Try Un plugging the throttle saftey switch( Plug behing the front heat shield under the hood, right near the steering post with the 2 bolts sticking out of it) Buddies sled ran like crap so he unplugged it and it ran great the rest of the day. I herd its common on the 1000's. Also could be computer issues
Thanks I tried that big plug on the steering post unconnected still no spark. Checked my ground on the steering post support it was tight. The old stators had a low & high speed coils. Is this what they now call #1 & #2 charge coils?
Are the 2 timing coils for forward & reverse?
Got my stator off #1 & #2 charge coils are the low speed & high speed ignition coils & my low speed coil burnt
1140 miles on sled no warranty
Yes it should have #1 and #2 charge coils,test the resistance and see what it is. Maybe someone with a service manual can chime in and give you the resistance values. I believe its a 3 prong plug coming from the stator.