ok, so ive noticed how quick n smart most of you guys are, heres another one for ya. my dad went out to the cabin for new years, in -10 to -25 weather. no problems until they went to leave and then after starting up and running for a few, it died and wouldnt start again. it turns over, but no fart. put some HEET in the tank and a half hour later, same thing. tarped it and put the mr. hater under to warm it up, got warm and totally dry...turn over, no fart. i dont know if he saw any codes on the screen, and im not sure he checked any fuses. so him and the wife rode back on her 440 sport and left the tank to freeze. this is gunna be fun its suppose to be cold like that all week and i wont get the chance to get out there till this weekend at earliest to pull it back, any thoughts on this?