I found a good deal on a 08 m8 153 but, would really like 162 track length what woud it take to extented the track to a 162? what would it cost? or would I be better off to just find a sled w/ a 162 on it?
just swap out the rails and get a 162 PC. Perfect excuse to do the 2010 rear tunnel/bumper conversion. You'll have bout a grand in it by the time your done.
I just converted my 07' M8 153 to a 162 PClaw and trimmed up the tunnel, best thing i've done yet. Best deal on New rails and PC 162 from Michelle at Oregon Power Sports (or PM Free Agent on here). Lots of opinions on how to do the bumper mod but I went w/ a VE bumper w/ a 3in extension and the AMP running board gussets/ foot pegs. You could just use the cat running board support since you have the 08' tunnel rolls they are cheap. With the VE bumper you don't need to replace the back half of your tunnel and w/ the 3in extension its about the same length as the 09+ tunnels (which is shorter than the 08' 162's). Flatten your cooler and add the 09' taillight and your done. Strongest and best looking way to do it in my opinion. With the bumper mod the 162 feels just as easy to throw around as the old 153 and the Pclaw hooks up like a muther!! Just under $1k. Would be cheaper to get one w/ a 162 but unless its a 09'+ it still won't have the PC track which is most of the cost and the most worth the $$ and it will have kankles for running boards.
I went from a 162 to a 153 this year. The 162 might get you a little higher on the hill, but not enough to mess with IMHO. The 153 is definately easier to carve with. If the sled is clean and is a good buy, buy it and ride it.
I would leave it as a 153. lot easyer to carve and turn. I love mine but iam a big guy and i just have to move weight around and it does what i want. some of my friends have a harder time carving with it