Ok, went and rode today. About 1/2 into the ride, every now and then I would hear a beep. NO check engine light, no low oil and not hot either. The longer I rode the more often the beeps got. I wasnt on a mountain ride with the boys, i was on a co-ed ride with the girlfriend and 2 other couples. If I would hold a steady 5 grand no prob, blup the throttle to a little over 6 grand and I would hear a beep. Steady at 7grand and I would get a steady beep beep beep. IT DROVE ME NUTS!!!!! When we got a couple miles before the snowpark we were zipping along at 50-60mph and had good rmps going. Pulled off the key put it back on and it didnt beep again. Also dont know if it is connected but the sled is not running great above 7grand either. And yes, everything that I can touch and see is pluged in. Any help would be appreciated.