My manual for the 06 800 HO states 21 Ft/Lbs for the head covers, remember to clean under the screw head and put just a dab of lubricant of some kind on the flat surface of the bolt that will mate with the cylinder head cover, this will ensure a more proper touque setting.
I think it's 29 Ft/Lbs for the cylinder bolts and 21 Ft/Lbs for the covers.
There is a gasket at the base of the cylinders and a rubber seal at the top of the cylinders under the head cover.
Have you checked compression? should be above mid 130's and less than about 8 lbs difference cylinder to cylinder or you will at least be needing new rings, a nice tight engine will be high 140's or more..
If you do find some problems and rest of the sled is clean and you are up for some wrenching then low ball them a bit and plan on rebuilding the engine yourself, it's time consumeing and kind of picky but very doable for the average joe with basic mechanical and wrenching skills and a reasonable tool kit,. The cost will be about $1800 to $2000 to rebuild the motor top to bottom so subtract a bit more than that from low blue book and give it a go.
Just rings pistons and gaskets, what, $350 + - $50 ?
At 2500 KM the sled is probably due for rings anyway and would be coming up on time for an engine rebuild in the next season or two so if you really like this sled then just do it now and then you will have confidence in it (and know your sled allot better).
Best of luck
FNG (die hard tinkerer)