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03 mc 800wont rev past 2100

Hey there,Just bought a 03 mountain cat 800efi. For the 4rth time now it doesn’t rev past 2100, doesn’t move. Put new plugs in. Searched this site and disconnected the tss. Made it 400ft and same crap. Pulled up 1 of the fuel screen/pods cleaned it. Fueled it up past 1/4 tank which it was sold as. Put inj cleaner in. Before calling a Mecanic a friend recommended. He said keep an ohmmeter in my pocket for when it acts up to rule it out to test stator cause it could be getting hot and crappin out. I’m Unsure where to unplug and how to test. Then he said check power valve cable length first. Sled has 2300miles, powervalves serviced before. Told to adj cables to 30.6mm they were at 38.5mm...they’re stretched as I could only get them down to 33mm and on last thread...ordered new ones Friday, still aren’t delivered. Sled ran good all weekend.few good test rips in field, 45min-hour of riding steady doubling with wife , trails, lake, idling. Went tonight with daughter, warmed it up, went for rip, she hopped on and went to a drift, played while sled idled for 4 min uphill. Gave it throttle turned around downhill and boom same 2100 rpm crap. Walk home. Could that filter/pod be sucking air cause it seemed to be floating around back of tank. Other filter fixed to bottom with no slack. Weird how sled ran flawless this weekend with full tank and I felt good that new shorter cables will def fix as adj’ing them seemed to already solve it although not down to 30mm mark. I wanna do as much as I can before I take it to buddy Mecanic there, please help
New power valve cables came in today, buzz em on and see. But are both fuel pods/filters supposed to be fixed to bottom of tank?

As far as I know, the smart valves are not attached to the bottom of the tank.

I'd also check all your electrical connections to make sure they're tight. Then make sure your spark plug caps are tight on the cables, we've had those come loose and it sounds similar to what you describe.

The exhaust valves being out of adjustment would keep it from revving over 7k RPM, but it should run fine up to there.
Thanks for info, that was the first thing I checked and was gonna replace was spark plug boots but dealer didn’t have. I cleaned em with brake clean cause they were full of black soot crap.(buddy said coulda been grounding out) I vaguely went over wireing I’ll go over wireing again...dang about power valve cables(7000rpm)The one that routes over exhaust is kinda melted and them being out/stretched made me order em...guess I’ll pull every connection I c apart and dialectic grease em? Son of a gun no fun...thanks again
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