Frankly you all know better.
Just thought I'd let you all know that it is gone because it is in violation of the rules you agreed to.
That is all.
Showing results 1 to 100 of 33443 Ranking Search Members
Level User Name Points Activity Points for user Points for threads Points for posts Points for miscellaneous
92 redlineguy 148,886 7.7% 4,096 132,526 12,265 0 :face-icon-small-hap
51 Mule 44,539 100.0% 2,005 752 41,782 0
I have never seen so much whining and ***** ing in my life. I have been a little sarcastic tonight because of it.
I personally think that Christopher is doing an outstanding job. He is obviously working his tail off in order to give snowest users a better product. I am not saying this to...
I do alot of bodywork for the state of Nebraska and this is a TRUE story. The transportation mgr. of a un-disclosed large facility has there cars fixed at my shop and tells me this today.
"driver goes to the gas station today and has company car filled, the clerk overcharges him by .40 cents...
A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help Me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started."
Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"
The blonde says, "According to the picture on the...
This site is beginning to operate like the Obama administration. I personally thought the rep system was rather lame, but it was better than this new thing. Seems like something geeks would like. Now my post count is all F'd up as well. I had over fifty posts now it is showing in the...
Been about six months since i've been able to get to a computer. How's everyone doing? Sold my sled today...:mad: And all my gear. Gonna take another year or so off and let my leg heal, an hopefully be on here a bit more.:D