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Review: Koso X2 Boost/Temp/AFR Gauge


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Ever since I installed the MPI Supercharger on my sled I have been in need of some GAUGES.
For a number of reasons I delayed and delayed while I looked at everything on the market.
Finally decided to order and try the KOSO Digital Guage!

Found the best deal on Amazon.

Price: $377.95

Just bought it.
At last, a good gauge!!
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It arrived
...didn't read far enough through your post..... got to the pictures and saw the O2 sensor, and said to myself; what the hell?!?!? i thought this was a boost gauge thread....:face-icon-small-hap
The X2 gauge does THREE things.

Air Fuel Ratio


Turns out we need about 25-26mm of diameter to install the temp probe in the hot water line coming off of the thermostat.
So MPI (Mountain Performance Industries) was following this thread and let me know they made a sensor adapter just the same as the one from KOSO. I ordered one from them and this is what arrived.

Part # GGW-0250 retail $29.95 includes clamps



This is the MPI fitting with the KOSO Thermal Probe.

Screwed right in with no problems.
Will go back and add a little when it goes in the final time.

and we have GOOD probe penetration into the water flow.
For most of my sled projects I do the installation.
On this particular one I took it to the shop and had Rexburg Motor Sports do the install as I simply did NOT have the time available to get it done.
Sadly that means I do NOT have any installation photos to share with you.!

I apologize for that.
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Initially I decided to mount this new gauge up HIGH.
Its VERY visible, but it is also VERY exposed.
Its mounted on a break-away bar, so should a roll over prove to be more than it can take, it "Should" safely come off its mount and NOT be destroyed. Only time will tell if this infact works or not.
If not, it will get mounted in a lower position to protect it!


One of the nice things about this installation was that the wires were LONG.
There was no shortage of cable on the factory supplied harness.
So it should not be too hard to relocate this gauge!


While I have NOT taken it outside yet to see how it looks in direct sunlight, inside it looks OUTSTANDING. Could not be brighter or clearer...



One of the added little bonuses I did NOT know about was the fact that all of the HIGH-LOW alarm lights are fully programmable.

You get to set the trip values for them going off.
Downside is the programing of these alarm lights is ARCHAIC to say the least. But you get to choose your own Temps, Pressure and A/F range.

Tomorrow I will take it out on the first ride and report back.
Gauge worked GREAT today.
Was VERY readable in direct brilliant sunlight!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk 2 pro.
While I do not normally include images of the installation manual, in this case I am breaking with tradition. This gauge is just SO DANG PROGRAMMABLE, I wanted to share that with anyone considering buying and installing one!

One of the things I REALLY LIKE about this gauge is that you can CHOOSE the primary display and CHANGE IT on the fly!

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Just another passing comment.
Really found the water temperature gauge to be of use.

Honestly, I had NO idea how big a difference the ice scratchers on my sled made.

Running down a groomed trail.
Temp gauge reading 212, yellow warning light is on.
Stopped, deployed the ice scratchers.
Watched the temp drop THIRTY DEGREES!

Over the course of the day it was a real education to watch the water temp rise and fall in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of snow under my tracks.

The Yellow Warning light on the Yamaha OEM display gauge is great.
But knowing WHAT temps that light is telling you is FAR better!!
I love the koso gauges..i have the egts/afr and temp...but they are separate.
But I agree with ya Christopher,the temp guage is awesome extra knowledge..
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