no offense but isnt that an apples and oranges comparison? To get a zx to have the same power to weight ratio as a stock rev would have to a highly modified sled, also the comparison of tracks, zx 15 wide, rev 16 wide, rev has a way bigger footprint with the same track length so that now you have a zx with a hoped up motor, a ton of light weight parts and a new track to even put it on the same page as a stock rev. Then there is the handling between the two sleds, i will admit that the rev took some getting used to after riding a GREAT zx for 4 years, but when you think about the the simple physics of a lever, the tall seat and tall bars on the rev simply give the rider more control with less effort, once again you could get a highrise seat and some serious bar risers for a zx and maybe get it close to a stock rev. Then to get to you floating question, rev's approach angle is shallower which will make it float and boondock better. Not trying to nock zx's or your opinion of liking them better, had on for a long time and it was a great sled, i just dont think that you can realistacly put a rev and a zx on the same page. just my opinion though, well c what others have to say.