Snowmobiling is the WORST

Snowmobiling is the BEST! As Told by a Hippie

Published in the September 2018 Issue December 2018 Feature, Polaris, Random Mandy Fabel

Hippie Dictionary

Kale: a leafy vegetable people eat because it’s good for them. If people say they enjoy it, they are lying to your face.

Tabata squat: a workout style of fast-paced body weight exercises. Surprisingly difficult, even for tiny people, and closely related to the squats required on trails with a bunch of whoops.

Backcountry skiers: people who travel through winter terrain slowly and uphill 90 percent of the time in order to enjoy 10 percent of their time going downhill. Alternate definition: people who can’t afford to snowmobile.

Trail hiker: Everyone knows that this is just walking, but let me give you some inside scoop: as a trail hiker you can decide whether you brag about how heavy your backpack is (anything under 50 percent of your body weight is disgraceful) or about how far you walk (make sure it is at least 14 miles/day if posting on Instagram). They are both very difficult. But to be clear, not nearly as difficult as riding a snowmobile.

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