Control is essential to your riding experience, and there’s nothing like that “new-carbide feeling” when you put a new set on your skis. BiteHarder’s carbide sharpening tools give you that feeling over and over again. Simply attach the sharpening tool to your cordless drill like you would any bit, and you’re ready to grind your worn carbide into a fresh, sharp edge without removing it from the ski. BiteHarder also offers a new Side Support Pole, turning this into a one-person job. This adjustable pole supports the sled on its edge by placing it under the handlebar. Once you put the support pole in place, you have easy access to sharpen your carbides without help from a buddy, lift or jack. Eventually, your sharpened carbides will certainly dull, but we were able to extend the mileage life of a set of carbides, with more positive turning ability. That is a good thing!
Cost: $64.95 (sharpening tool), $29.95 (side support pole).
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