How Did You Get Into Sledding

Ask Matt

I was introduced to snowmobiles at a very young age. My grandpa and his brother-in-law owned a snowmobile shop in the 70's so just about everyone in our family had a couple of old snowmobiles. Initially, my dad would take me for rides around our house and in the fields when I was very young. Once I was big enough to work the throttle, I would ride by myself in the fields. As I grew older, I went on occasional trips to the mountains with my dad. The amazing places that we would see and visit only increased my passion for the snowmobiling experience. Once I was able to purchase my own snowmobile, I rode every day throughout the winter that I was not at work. There is much more between then and now as snowmobiling has literally become a way of life. But I will always remember and remain grateful for the introduction to snowmobiling through my dad. Now that I have a family of my own, I am very proud to see my daughters enjoy our time in the snow and on the sleds. I look forward to many memories with them snowmobiling into the future.

Thanks, Matt

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