Cold Is A Good Thing
White Out & Wide Open—The Blog
Steve Janes
This past weekend left no doubt that winter is here and we might as well get use to it. It was so cold that some of us even had to use a blanket just to sit on our recliners and watch football on TV.
Actually, it was so cold that even my diehard riding buddies decided that Saturday was a better day to get things done around the house . earn up some of those bonus points from the wife so there won't be as much grief when they string together the next 17 Saturdays for riding.
The big difference between this year and last is the cold. Last year we received great early snow but everything under 7,500 feet elevation vanished during December due to mild temperatures. This year, although we're not receiving the huge snow accumulations, an inch here two inches tends to stack up in elevations above 5,000 feet. It's white in the valleys where the majority of people reside. Nothing sells snowmobiles more than shoveling driveways.
So the cold temperatures are doing their thing at promoting winter and keeping the little snow that does fall.
Mark Twain once said: "Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it." Well, eventually (like about the time you receive this email) the cold temperatures will moderate and the mountains will extend an invitation for those of us who have been patient to do something about the weather. There's going to be some great fluffy powder just waiting for us. And we believe it will be well worth the wait.