Way Up High
White Out & Wide Open—The Blog
Steve Janes Blog
With this past week of pleasant weather, it appears if you want to find winter you're
going to have to look up high . like on the tops of the mountains.
Pretty much everything lower than 6,000 feet in our part of the country is brown turning
green. You have to get above 7,500 feet elevation to find the snow depth. And then you find that the snow is actually quite good.
The trouble with this time of year is that it's hard to get the desire to go looking for snow,
especially when you're just starting to walk around without a jacket. Although one still sees a sled in the back of a pickup or on a trailer around town, many times it's in the process of being traded in to the dealer or to be placed into storage. But there are a few diehards still out there keeping winter alive.
This past week I was traveling by automobile through western Montana and it was hard
to keep my eyes focused on the road while there were so many snow-covered mountains all around. I couldn't help but wonder how a person accessed the snow since most of the lower elevation was dry.
But as I drove, I found myself picking my route up a distant snowy ridge and working my
way back into some of the visible bowls. I was longing for a few extra hours in my day and a good snowmobile so I could do some exploring.
But like most during the spring, I had places to go and things to do. So I could only look
at the snow and dream. But one thing is for certain: I haven't had my last ride of the season yet. I just need to prioritize my time a little better and get a few more days out on the snow. After all . that's what I'm paid to do.