SnoWest Newsletter - September 27th, 2012

White Out & Wide Open—The Blog

Making Tracks (Part 2)

There has been a longstanding argument between which track length is the best. For some (like Ted George in Jackson who has built a 201-inch track), longer is always better. For others, it's not the length but how you use it.

Even within the offices at SnoWest we have mixed opinions on track lengths. The politically correct (and manly) answer is to say longer tracks are always better. But the reality is that our staff tends to take out the 153-155 length sleds more often than the longer ones. (Maybe track speed has its merits.)


Although nobody has every figured out whether you get stuck more often on the 153-155 sleds, there's always that lingering thought that when you do get stuck, maybe the longer tracks would not have. Yet, there's never that thought when you get stuck on a longer track that the shorter tracks would have make it past that particular spot.


So is longer better?


The beauty of living in a free society is twofold: first, you can participate in an exciting pastime like snowmobiling; second, you can buy whatever track length you desire. Throw in the bonus of free speech and you can argue with anyone you want about the merits of a longer track.


Good riders on shorter tracks can do some very impressive things. Good riders on long tracks can do some very impressive things. Conclusion: Good riders are good riders regardless of what they ride. Chances are bad riders are bad riders regardless of what they ride. Perhaps what's most important is that we spend more time on the snow practicing so we can all become better riders.


Anyone wants to join me?


View the Complete SnoWest Newsletter - September 27th 2012

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