Wyoming's Sublette County

Great Riding in Every Corner of the County

Published in the February 2012 Issue White Out & Wide Open—The Blog LANE LINDSTROM

CDST Today

Today, Wyoming maintains a groomed trail from the Sinks Canyon and Atlantic City areas to the Irish Canyon parking area, which is up Highway 353 from Boulder. That section of the CDST is in the Wind River Range.

North of Pinedale, grooming on the CDST starts near The Place and Green River Guest Ranch. Lots of side trails-groomed and ungroomed-branch off the CDST in northern Sublette County.

Your best bet, if you want to ride the CDST is to trailer between Irish Canyon and the Green River Guest Ranch.

From where the grooming starts near the Green River Guest Ranch, the CDST goes between two Wilderness areas so the riding is somewhat limited but it opens up the farther north you ride. It's in this area that you're riding between and on the Wind River and Gros Ventre mountain ranges, which means stellar mountain riding and amazing views.

A couple of highlights from our ride on this portion of the CDST were the aforementioned elk feeding and seeing a glacier. According to glaciers.us, there are 25 (of Wyoming's 38) named glaciers in the Wind River Range. The glacier we saw wasn't very big but it was a glacier and it was kind of cool to see it. Still another highlight was the incredible snow, which was deep and plentiful on our ride. In fact, we've ridden many areas of Sublette County and the snow has always been great. Sometimes the white stuff was falling as we rode and the visibility was less than great, but the snow has always been good. That's why we keep going back.

We think of it as our own little island of snowmobiling fun.

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