Wyoming's Sublette County

Great Riding in Every Corner of the County

Published in the February 2012 Issue White Out & Wide Open—The Blog LANE LINDSTROM

Plenty Of Riding

Even with the Wilderness areas and winter wildlife ranges, there is still plenty of riding opportunities, especially over near the Wyoming Range, which stretches for 150 miles north to south in western Wyoming. This area is probably the most popular riding area in the county-we've sledded there several times-partly because there are fewer restrictions, i.e., Wilderness, winter wildlife ranges, etc., here than in other parts of Sublette County.

Several criteria usually high on a snowmobiler's list of what makes an area ideal for riding combine to create a stellar experience in this part of Sublette County. The Wyoming Range is rugged, very scenic and has plenty of mountains, hills and bowls for climbing. Horsepower junkies love this area for its challenging hillclimbs. Technical riders like the area because there are plenty of trees and lots of drainages that are demanding.

Of course, deep snow appeals to all snowmobilers and that's one of the Wyoming Range's most impressive attributes. The snotel site at Blind Bull Summit (elevation 8,650 feet) showed the snow depth last winter passing the 75-inch (6.25 feet) mark Jan. 19, 2011 and not dropping below it again until June 7. The powder is light and dry and makes for awesome riding and boondocking.

We mentioned the great tree riding but there are also lots of open meadows and play areas that cater to riders of any skill level. Then there's the groomed trail system. One of the things we like about the groomed trail system is the variety-along creeks, through mountain gaps, low elevation, high elevation, long and straight and tight and twisty.

All this is the ideal combination of conditions that appeals to the entire gamut of snowmobilers.

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