Chamber of Secrets

We could tell you where it is, but then...

Published in the March 2010 Issue Travel LANE LINDSTROM

Plenty Of Riding Everywhere

LookoutEven if you can't get the locals to divulge their chamber of secrets, there is still prime snowmobiling all over the area. The Fairfield/Camas County area offers 220 miles of groomed trails and plenty of off-trail and backcountry riding. Several parking areas serve the area but not all access groomed trails.

Aside from our most recent ride in the chamber of secrets, we've also ridden nearby, around the Wells Summit area. There is parking near there, where we unloaded and then rode on the west slope of the Smoky Mountains. The riding was very similar to our ride in the chamber of secrets but our most recent ride was more technical and we had better snow with a coating of several inches of freshly fallen white stuff, whereas the previous ride was later in the spring and the snow was set up. A couple of seasons ago we also rode on the other side of the Smoky Mountains in the Baker Creek area, which is a great place to ride, but there isn't as much country open to riding on that side.

LookoutOf course, then there are the Trinity Mountains west of Fairfield, over near Pine and Featherville (basically north of Anderson Ranch Reservoir), which offer nearly 400 miles of groomed trails and excellent backcountry riding.

The Trinities see more snowmobile traffic than does the Fairfield area, simply because they're closer to Boise, where many of the sledders come from.

So you can see there is plenty of riding available all through this section of central Idaho.

You don't even need to bother yourself worrying about where the chamber of secrets is. Just keep yourself busy tracking up those other riding spots.

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