Wide Out & Wide Open

Staff Meeting

Published in the December 2008 Issue Column Steve Janes

Steve: So, what did you think of my column this month?

Lane: Frankly, I thought it was pretty lame.

Steve: What do you mean "lame?"

Lane: Well, you really didn't say anything. You just sort of rambled on about hoping it would snow this winter so you could ride in some powder . you know, the same old stuff everyone thinks about this time of year.

Steve: So what's wrong with that?

Lane: Well, it would be nice if you actually wrote about something interesting, something fun. Perhaps relate to last season's riding experiences. You know, like the time last March when you fell off that little Summit 600 and it crashed into a tree.

Steve: First of all, I didn't fall off that sled. I was ripped off it by the branches of a huge pine tree that a less skilled rider would never have been able to avoid and did all humanly possible to save that snowmobile from total destruction.

Lane: It sure looked like you fell off from where we were at.

Steve: Perhaps I could write about how you rolled the Dragon 800 off a berm last April and landed it on the road upside-down on top of you?

Lane: That one definitely wasn't my fault. You and Ryan created such a huge trench going up that bank that I could lay pipe in it. Besides, it didn't land on top of me. I fell off first.

Steve: Well, you definitely laid something.

Lane: You could write about the time you walked across the hood of that photo sled because you got stuck for the one zillionth time on a ride.

Steve: Now you're going back a few years. Maybe I could just continue my saga on last year's ride when you fell off that XP Rev and I had to catch it before it rolled 1000 feet down the mountain into the trees.

Lane: Now you're just exaggerating things.

Steve: Or perhaps when you destroyed my project sled at Rock Creek.

Lanes: Talk about ancient history.

Ryan: What's up guys?

Lane: Steve's column is lame and we're trying to come up with a more interesting topic.

Ryan: You can always write about me . or me riding with Chris Brandt . or me riding with Bret Rasmussen, or Troy Johnson, or Jack Struthers, or .

Steve: Or me repairing or replacing parts on the snowmobiles you're riding.

Jacob: Hi guys, what's going on?

Steve, Lane, Ryan: Get back to work, diesel boy.

Steve: So what should I write my column about?

Lane: Maybe you better just stick to the weather. At least that way I won't have to respond to all those nasty letters I receive when your write about other things.

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