Tempted by the Okanogan

Succumb to the Pleasure of Riding North central Washington

Published in the September 2008 Issue White Out & Wide Open—The Blog LANE LINDSTROM


When the day was done, we had sampled a little of everything this area near Conconully had to offer, from meadows to hillsides to boondocking and tree running to challenging hillclimbing to groomed and ungroomed trails and forest roads.

Riding with the folks in Okanogan County was somewhat of a bittersweet experience for some of them. Sweet in the fact that they get to show off the great terrain and snow they have in this part of Washington, and bitter in that once more people discover this spectacular riding area, the "secret riding spots" won't be secret anymore.

After spending a few days sampling the riding in the Methow Valley and Okanogan County, we're pretty confident in saying that if other sledders do the same, they won't be so quick to pass by this sweet slice of Washington on their way to other snowmobiling spots. 

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