Tempted by the Okanogan

Succumb to the Pleasure of Riding North central Washington

Published in the September 2008 Issue White Out & Wide Open—The Blog LANE LINDSTROM


We admit we didn't have very high hopes for a sunny day of riding when we left Conconully for the sno park as it was more than just overcast; the entire area was pretty much fogged in. Our guides were a little more optimistic, sure that we would ride through the cloud cover and find sun at higher elevations.

Score one for the guides as that's exactly what happened. In fact, we rode above the clouds for most of the day and from various strategic vantage points, could see the clouds socking in the valley below. Just one more great thing about riding in the mountains.

According to the altimeter on the Ski-Doo Summit XP we were riding, the cloud layer was about 700 feet thick. That means, at about 3,800 feet (Kerr Sno Park sits at 3,050 feet), we broke out of the clouds and were surrounded by glorious sunshine as we sat on Mutton Ridge and took in the view.

We dropped back off Mutton Ridge, went through Salmon Meadows and headed up the Honeymoon Trail toward Tiffany Mountain. None of the guys in our group seemed to know how Honeymoon Trail got its name, or if they did they weren't saying. The trail goes over Honeymoon Pass and leads to some excellent viewing spots to see Middle Tiffany (7,967 feet) and Tiffany Mountain (8,245 feet), two of the highest peaks in the area. One more observation about the Honeymoon Trail. You'd think you were just working your way through the trees, not following a trail-so that definitely adds to your boondocking/tree running experience. Along most of the trail it's one-sled width, although it does open up in some spots so you can play a bit. The trail is marked, if you're looking for the markers, just not groomed. Once you get out of the trees toward the top of the trail, it opens up to where you can see the surrounding peaks.

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