Snowmobiling Sensational Spearfish

October 2002 Feature JILL?BARNES


Nearby is Deadwood, which keeps up its image of a Wild West town. Characters such as Calamity Jane and Butch and the Kid were known to hang around Deadwood. At Saloon #10, have a cold one and view what is supposed to be the very chair Wild Bill Hickok was sitting in when he was shot in the back while playing poker. His hand, aces and 8s, is commonly referred to as Dead Man's Hand.

Or simply visit many of the other fine restaurants in town.

In all, there are 344 miles of groomed trails in the Black Hills National Forest. The southern end of Trail No. 1 takes you about as close to Mt. Rushmore National Monument-one of the most famous spots in South Dakota-as you can get on a snowmobile. You have to visit the monument by car, but make sure you visit it-it's as much a part of the Black Hills as snowmobiling.

Wild Bill Hickok may have done his exploring by horse but using different ponies these days is the preferred way to go.

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