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Winter Wildlands Poll

Pickin’ Boogers

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2013
I just got an email from someone with the following poll. If you're so inclined, please respond politely, and remind them that there are already millions of acres of Wilderness set aside as motorized-free:
(BTW I DO NOT SUPPORT Winter Wildlands, this was simply emailed to me)

Over the past year or so Winter Wildlands Alliance has been talking a lot about the new Forest Service Over-Snow Vehicle Rule that will help bring balance to the backcountry. As you may recall, a draft of the rule was released for public review this past summer and you may have even been one of the thousands of people who weighed in with comments. While we're still waiting for the final rule, which we expect to see within the next couple of weeks, we're already looking ahead to what comes next.

Five forests in California - the Lassen, Tahoe, Eldorado, Stanislaus, and Plumas - are gearing up to be the first in the nation to implement the new Over-Snow Vehicle Rule. Each of these forests will begin developing a winter travel plan in the next couple of months, starting with the Lassen. When completed these plans will designate routes and areas on each forest for snowmobiles and other over-snow vehicles, as well as routes and areas that are managed for non-motorized use. Winter Wildlands Alliance is advocating for travel plans that zone the backcountry in a balanced way so that motorized and non-motorized users alike have places to play. We are working with our partners at Snowlands Network to craft a "Skiers Alternative" for each travel plan that would protect opportunities for human-powered winter recreation. We would appreciate input from backcountry enthusiasts such as yourself to help us better understand how people use these forests so that our Alternatives reflect the needs and desires of the local ski community.

It would be a big help to us if you could take a moment to fill out this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5H3R5GS. Please feel free to also share the survey link with your ski partners or others who use these forests.

Once the travel planning process gets started each forest will be hosting public meetings and asking for feedback on their proposed plans. We will be in touch with more information about how to get involved when the time comes. In the meantime, thanks in advance for your help!



MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Sandpoint, Idaho
Thanks! I gave them my input and tried to keep the ranting to a minimum.

My dad worked on a similar project in MT, basically the access stayed the same. Now they can just claim it has an EIS to back it up so the tree huggers can't complain.
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