Quick spin today, the sleds did what they were supposed to do!! It was good but a few more weeks to go yet!! This weekend is supposed to be bringing us snow in revelstoke, I'll keep you posted!
kbi, you should get a daytime and work during the week like the rest of us. not. lol. might be up there on sunday going for a scoot and weiner roast, will give ya call.
hey guys jus wondering when u usually ride from the parking lot at boulder???? gunna be coming third week of november think will be goin from parking lot???? thanks
Hey Snopro, every year is different. I've ridden from the parking lot and deep pow all day before halloween, and then again I've seen grass in town on xmas eve. Keep in touch and I'll keep you posted this year! I have a feeling you should be fine on the 3rd week in nov.
alritey man thanks alot for the info.... so they jus kinda open the trail pass booth wen ever its good to go from the parking lot then i take it... im from the prairies and only bin out there twice in my life last year in march an may so dunno wat its like at start of season... but will def stay in touch. thanks again..... oh ya, so how far up did ya have to trailer for your first ride or were u up boulder er somewhere else?????