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I obviously can't go around making right hand turns all the time so I need some advice from all of you ladies that have been riding mch longer then myself. Though I haven't been riding sleds long I have raced quads, dirt bikes, and asphalt track bikes. I am used to having to get off the side of something using my body albeit the stuff I am used to is a lot narrower. I seem to be having a lot of trouble on the left hand side of my sled. I am not very tall and don't have a lot of weight to throw off the side of my sled. Even to the right to really get it leaned and digging I have to use my mountain bar to jerk it over. Every time I am getting stuck it is in deep snow when I am having to get to the left side of my sled and ususally on a hill where the sled is leaned away from me. I feel like by the time I get ahold of the throttle all my upper body weight is on the wrong side of the sled and I can't throw it all to the left. We have discussed options like a riser to make my bars taller so I don't have to lean so far back over my sled to grab the throttle and also a left handed throttle. No one in the group I ride with has faith in a left handed throttle even though a lot of the girls we run into use them.
What advice can you give me as far as what else I can try with my body or what performance mods have helped you the most? Please help!
What advice can you give me as far as what else I can try with my body or what performance mods have helped you the most? Please help!